Saturday, May 7, 2011

It's Officially Summer!

Well, finals are over, grades, or at least all the nice ones, have been posted, and Spring term is over. Finally. This semester felt like a marathon, but it turned out amazingly!

Well, adventure number eins: My cousin's wedding! So nice. They'd been dating for 10+ years, so it was so awesome for them to finally get married! So that puts me in central florida, the only place you'd need to bring bug spray to a wedding reception...

Meanwhile, I get a whole 4 day vacation, in which I intend to do NOTHING PRODUCTIVE. Simply because I don't have to. I'll finish The Hobbit, watch some long overdue hulu videos, eat Strawberry Hut cuban sandwiches, and visit with my family. Perfect.

It really sank in that it is summer time coming to central florida, rather than being in auburn, but it is still so unexpected! It got hot outside, I don't know who else didn't notice, but the last thing I remember before I started hiding in the library was wearing sweatshirts and pants....oh wait, that's library dress code... I've stayed inside studying far too much this last few months, but it's not like that will change anytime soon. Alas.

On a much happier note, tomorrow's mother's day, and I'm so glad that I've got my mom with me! She's my all time favorite person. Cute, I know.

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